Christmas Gift Package Donation to Charity

Scamander Solutions is a company located in Nieuwegein, dedicated to implementing digital information systems in organizations for over 25 years. Around the holidays, Stichting IT4Kids received a generous amount in their account because they donated their Christmas gift packages. With this contribution, opportunities for sports have been created for financially and physically vulnerable children.

The Initiative Every year, Scamander employees receive a Christmas gift package. This year, alongside receiving their packages, they had the option to donate the value of their packages to the charity IT4Kids. This initiative not only showcases the generosity and involvement of Scamander Solutions’ employees but also their commitment to making a positive impact on the community.

What Was Raised for IT4Kids?
This year, Scamander employees were given the opportunity to donate their Christmas gift packages to the charity IT4Kids instead of keeping them for themselves. Many opted to take advantage of this option. As a result, the initiative raised a wonderful amount of €340. With this generous donation, Stichting IT4Kids has had the opportunity to create sports opportunities for financially and physically vulnerable children. This means that children who may not have had the chance otherwise to participate in sports activities are now given the opportunity to develop and enjoy the benefits of sports and physical activity.

Start Your Own Initiative for the Charity IT4Kids
Would you like to start your own (sporty) initiative? Let us know! Send us an email or fill out the contact form on the website.

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