Prinses Máxima Centrum

Prinses Máxima Centrum & IT4Kids

Stichting IT4Kids supports the sports and exercise program “Maximaal Bewegen” of the Prinses Máxima Centrum. This program provides year-round physical activities for children with cancer. Children are encouraged to be active during their stay at the Prinses Máxima Centrum, as physical activity contributes to their recovery and provides necessary distraction and enjoyment. Thanks to the support of IT4Kids and other donors, the Foundation can continue to realize the sports and exercise program. The costs for this project are not covered by insured healthcare.

The Prinses Máxima Centrum and Maximaal Bewegen Program

The mission of the Prinses Máxima Centrum is to cure every child with cancer. Being physically active is crucial for recovery, but we observe that children with cancer engage in much less physical activity than their peers (25%). That’s why the “Maximaal Bewegen” program was designed. It takes into account the barriers faced by the children, but more importantly, it looks at the potential of each child.

MAXIMAal Bewegen aims to reduce the negative effects of inactivity, contribute to the social development of the child, increase independence and resilience, and reduce (late) effects of intensive treatments. Will you help us?

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